i always thought it just happened to those stupid drunk girls.. but it happened to me.....
yes i dropped my phone in the toilet..
i let it dry under a light for 2 days and it worked for a few minutes, then did a blank screen
bought a prepaid tmobile phone for 90 bucks (yeah its a RAZR) put my chip in it and were good to go.
work has been okay, i have a rude lesbian manager that like to point out my flaws all the time. but ill get over it. she is funny rude, in a way that i am sometimes. so its all good. server revues are next week. ill let you know how that goes. i do feel like im not on my A game sometimes while serving. i just want to be the best of the best you know?
would love to get to utah for my sisters baby shower, and for my friend amandas bday.
but i have to be back home for mine and jareds one year anniversary!
money has been a little tight, the electric bill was $130
everything will be okay.
putting all my hospital bills on a payment plan (ill let you know the final costs)
me and jared are good. we are still learning alot from eachother. :)
peas and carrots.